It's hot potato chess!

This chess variant has no king or queen. Instead, one piece, chosen by the first player, holds the hot potato. To win the game, the opposing team must capture the piece with the hot potato. If the piece with the hot potato instead captures a piece on the opposing team, the hot potato is transferred to the other team. However, the capturing piece is sacrificed to the opponent when doing this (e.g. If my knight has the hot potato and takes my opponent's bishop, the bishop survives but gains the hot potato, and my knight is removed. If my knight did not have the hot potato it would capture as normal.)

With the exception of the missing king and queen, all pieces move and capture as in normal chess.


  • No AI, so play against yourself or ask a friend.
  • A secondary win state is if you move a pawn with the hot potato all the way to the end, where in normal chess it would be promoted. This is possible but the game currently will continue without showing a win message.
  • A third win state would be if the opponent takes all your pieces but they still have the hot potato at the end. In that case you would win even though you lost all your pieces. This also isn't currently recognized by the game.
  • No pawn en passant captures. Didn't feel like it.

That's it! Hope you enjoy this little prototype.

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